Weekly Announcements: 8/7/23

Weekly Announcements: 8/7/23

  • Are you a talented math student? Do you love math? Can you help other people with math? We have a job for you! Would you stop by the office and sign up to be a teacher assistant for 8th-period math classes? We need student tutors.
  • 8th Period classes begin Wednesday August 9th.
  • On August 23rd we will host our first 8th period lite class. Once a month we cancel 8th period classes to allow teachers time to collaborate in professional learning communities. Study skills classes WILL not cancel. If you are able to pick up your student after 7th period on 8th period lite days, please do.  If you are not able to we will host a study hall for students in the cafe. Please mark your calendars for all our 8th period lite days: 8/23/23, 9/20/23, 10/18/23, 11/29/23, 1/24/24, 2/14/24, 3/13/24)
  • We know that practice and preparedness are important. We also follow all state guidelines required of public schools. We will be conducting an emergency drill once a week for the first four weeks of school ranging from fire drills, evacuation drills, and shelter-in-place drills.
  • This Friday we will evacuate the school. Please plan to wear comfortable walking shoes and have your water bottle with you. We will begin the drill at about 9:15 am.
  • Public Charter Schools of New Mexico have made a spotlight on PAPA. You can share it with your friends and family to let them know where you go to school. Here it is: http://Here’s the YouTube link to share. https://youtu.be/xtbjZYhCm1g
  • All students who drive are required to park in the west lot. There is no parking on the street or in the dirt lot except with permission from the Executive Director.
  • Students are NOT permitted to go to their cars during the school day. If you have an emergency and need to access your vehicle, see someone in the office.
  • If you still need a locker assignment, bring your lock to the front office during lunch. We will be happy to help you.
  • While we do not provide after-school care it’s not too late to make arrangements with Jeanne Bellamah Community Center. They will provide transportation from PAPA for the first two weeks of school after that it will be determined by need. The more people that use it increases the likeliness of keeping transportation. Call to get enrolled today: (505) 767-5910

Save the Date: Open House August 30th

Parents and guardians, please take a moment to complete this quick survey to help us prepare for the open house and beyond.  Thank you!
