Charter & Lottery Information

What is a charter school?

According to (an online learning community to serve and support charter schools):

“Charter schools are nonsectarian public schools of choice that operate with freedom from many of the regulations that apply to traditional public schools. The “charter” establishing each such school is a performance contract detailing the school’s mission, program, goals, students served, methods of assessment, and ways to measure success. The length of time for which charters are granted varies, but most are granted for 3-5 years. At the end of the term, the entity granting the charter may renew the school’s contract. Charter schools are accountable to their sponsor– usually a state or local school board– to produce positive academic results and adhere to the charter contract. The basic concept of charter schools is that they exercise increased autonomy in return for this accountability. They are accountable for both academic results and fiscal practices to several groups: the sponsor that grants them, the parents who choose them, and the public that funds them.”

APS Charter School FAQs

Charter Renewal 

PAPA Charter Renewal Application 2014

 PAPA’s Site Visit Report and Performance Framework Reports:

Public Academy for Performing Arts – 2019-20 Performance Framework

Public Academy for Performing Arts 2020-21 FALL and SPRING Site Visit Report

Public Academy for Performing Arts 2021-22 FALL and SPRING Site Visit Report

PAPA was originally founded during the 2000-2001 school year.  Our original founders were Frank Butler, Kristina Lord Linde, Bob Perls, Joan Findley Perls, Valerie Scott, and Fred Pink.

Is PAPA the “right” school of choice?

  • If your child has a serious interest in the performing arts (dance, choir, musical instruments, theater, musical theater, film, visual arts)…
  • If you are willing to make a commitment to performance schedules that go beyond the school day and on weekends…
  • If you are looking for a rigorous, college preparatory curriculum…
  • If your child is ready to take Algebra 1 in 8th Grade…(not required)
  • If you are committed to having your child present and engaged daily…we are commuter school and expect students to be here on time and ready to learn. Our attendance policy follows the New Mexico Compulsory Education Laws – link to more information here.
  • If you support the concept that homework is necessary for the acquisition of knowledge and skills needed for college…
  • If you want your child to attend a school where respect is the norm, not the goal…
  • If you think taking dance as your PE credit would be a blast…

PAPA may be the right school for your child!

The Lottery window opens in January each year and the link will be found on our website. 

Admission Information 2024-2025

We do not offer tours or shadowing to the public at any time, sorry for the inconvienence.
Steps for the lottery process at PAPA

Each year, as per state regulations, admission to public charter schools is done by a lottery process. To learn more about lottery regulations, please click on this link:

Current PAPA students are automatically entitled to enroll the following year without participating in the lottery.  Siblings of currently enrolled students will have priority for admission, subject to space availability, but must complete the lottery paperwork. Remember if a current PAPA student withdrawls before the 40th day of the school year, the students’ sibling will lose preference.

The lottery does not guarantee admission, but determines preference in filling available spots. Once a grade level is filled, any remaining names are placed on a waiting list for that school year in the order in which their names were drawn in the lottery.

Our Prospective Student Open House is held at the end of January every year. If you are interested in having your child attend our school, we ask that you attend the Open House to ask questions about staff, curriculum and schedules.

  • Lottery drawing results will be posted in February (see dates below) Please visit our website to view the lists. The list will be posted once and will not be updated, if you need further information please call us 505-830-3128 x24641. 
  • New Student Orientation is in March and is from 8:30 AM – noon. Attendance at this event is mandatory for all new students and parent(s).  All required enrollment forms must be completed and submitted 2 weeks before, in order to process all information and add to the system or the student’s lottery position will be forfeited and the student will not be enrolled at PAPA for the subsequent year.  Contact the office if there is an extenuating circumstance that prohibits you and your child from attending New Student Orientation. Lack of correspondence will result in forfeiture of the enrollment spot and your child will be put at the bottom of the wait list (if requested). If you have questions or concerns please email or call us at 505-830-3128 x0. Failure to comply with this requirement, on the date such paperwork is due, will result in a student losing his or her place at PAPA.

  • Final Registration is required for all students current and new at the end of July every year. Parents/guardian will complete final paperwork, talk with health assistant, speak with Registrar about PowerSchool, 6th graders will complete hearing/vision screening, register for lockers and or parking spots, schedule review, complete login for School Cafe (free & reduced lunch form – 1 per household), & pay fees. 
  • Please keep in mind: If you miss the final registration, you may not get the classes you prefer, as the schedule will be set and there will be limited flexibility for adjustments.
  • All students will be required to take a music class and dance class. 
Please note:
  • Siblings are given priority in the lottery process but are still required to fill out an application for each child in your family. Remember there is no guarantee of admission for siblings if there are no openings in the grade your have applied for.
  • We do not carry over lottery applications from one year to the next. It starts new every year in Janurary.
  • We keep the lottery waitlist and continue to go back to it until December if we need to fill seats, after December the waitlist will close. If we call you and email you with an available spot you will only have 24 hours to respond and if we do not hear from you we will go to the next person in line.
  • The date the application is received has no bearing on the lottery pull.
  • We are an equal opportunity provider and employer. 
Important Dates – Lottery 2024-2025 School Year – Questions about lottery please email or call us 505-830-3128 ext. 24641

Lottery Opens  – January 6, 2025 | 8:00 AM  | Check website for Google Form link

Perspective Student Open House – January 16, 2025 | 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM 

Lottery Closes – February 7, 2025 | 3:00 PM

Lottery Results Posted – February 14, 2025 | 8:00 AM | Check website for ticket number that was emailed to you when you applied. 

Deadline to Accept Spot – February 24, 2025 | 3:00 PM  | You must call and accept the spot by this date or we will mark you as declined.

New Student Orientation (pre-registration) March 14, 2025 | 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM 

Final Registration – End of July (save the date flyer will be given to you at NSO)

Lack of correspondence will result in forfeiture of the enrollment spot and your child will be put at the bottom of the waitlist (if requested).

Missed the lottery?

Please call to be put at the bottom of the waitlist. We will continue to go back to it until December if we need to fill seats.  To get on our waitlist please send email info to | Students, first and last name, DOB, current grade and current school, parents name and good contact phone number.

New Students Who Just Got Accepted!

Please bring with you and we will make copies.

A. Birth certificate (required to register)
B. Immunization Record (required to register)
C. Covid Vaccination Card (if applicable)
D. Disenrollment Documents from previous school (you will need to disenroll from previous school)
E. Middle school – most recent report card; most recent standardized test (if applicable)
F. High school – most recent transcript & attendance record (if applicable)
G. IEP/504/SAT/BIP (if applicable)
H. Any legal documents – custody, name change, etc. (if applicable)

Please complete fillable PDF’s, print and bring with you. If you do not have the capabilities we will have accessability at the school.



Dental Health English 24.25

Dance Liability Form (sign at school)

Chromebook Checkout (sign at school)

Registration Agreements link below

Create an account for School Cafe below and apply for benefits.

Lack of correspondence will result in forfeiture of the enrollment spot and your child will be put at the bottom of the waitlist (if requested).

Thank you for your interest in our school!